MarketingSherpa, indicates from their latest research, “The call from the sales force is not Give us more leads -- it’s Give us better leads.”

In their annual B2B Marketing Benchmark Survey of 147 Marketing Executives, MarketingSherpa indicates the top challenges for marketing, all of which point to Value Marketing Tools as a potential solution.
Based on percentage of respondents challenged, the top issues include:
  1. Generating more high quality leads (69%) and higher lead volumes (35%)
  2. Helping sales reduce lengthening sales cycles (39%)
  3. Educating buyers on the value of product features and benefits (37%)
  4. Marketing to a growing number of people in buying process, especially more stakeholders with different value propositions, and more scrutiny from economic buyers (33%)
Our advice: Interactive Demand-Gen White Paper Personalization, Assessments, ROI and TCO tools can help solve some of these issues by:
  1. Providing the compelling, personalized and credible content to cut through the noise and connect to value driven / economic decision makers.
  2. Reducing the sales cycle and educating buyers via delivery of personalized consultative advice as to what pain points should be address,  intelligent recommendations on solutions to solve their issue, and urgency from quantified value and competitive total cost advantages analysis for proposed projects.
  3. Sharing value propositions and quantified savings, benefits and ROI for all customer business unit stakeholders and frugal economic buyers.

The research and synposis can be found at (for a limited time):

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